Thursday, December 25, 2008

An intro to The Walk

I got bored. SO here I am. Perhaps not a new, improved Anedra.. Just Anedra in a different house. I'd probably come up with the same ol, same ol story... a million or two flat-toned "blahs" and then bore myself to death once again.
Or perhaps not.
Wait and see..or I guess, I shall wait and see. Afterall, the good thing about cyberspace is that, you could get bored and move to a different address, or delete yourself completely! Alangkah bestnya if life were like that too aye?
So, here I am again, saying HELLO, giving a second attempt to pouring my thoughts out, "walking" and all. Afterall, I figured, there should be something to tell!
Oh well... W.h.a.t.e.v.e.r!
ps. For an intro to Anedra (oh yes, I am that full of myself to suggest an "intro" to boring old me!) , go to

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